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Change of Name: The first change is that "Manage Students" will now be known and displayed as "Student Management". You will also notice that the column headers have changed. These changes will help keep this naming convention uniform across our ecosystem, as it now matches the "Student Management" button in the ASH Navigation bar.
In Line Editing: You will now notice that students can be edited within Student Management in the same area where you see them listed. Now, details such as Student ID, First and Last name, and Graduation year can be changed without leaving the page.
To do this you will click the Edit button, as show in the red box below, and the fields will open for edits.
After you've made the necessary changes, click the Update button to save, or the Cancel button to revert to the prior entries.
Edit in Bulk: You can now make bulk edits to multiple students. Currently, you will only be able to edit in bulk THREE (3) different pieces of data: Yes or No to NAF Student, Graduation Year, and Yes or No Active Student. We hope this will make edits on your end more accessible and decrease your need to be interrupted during your hard work to request help from Support.
To do this, click the Bulk Edit slider. It will turn green and empty check boxes will appear in the far left column for each student row.
Check the boxes of every student who needs a bulk edit and then click Begin Bulk Edit.
In the next menu, use the 3 dropdown boxes to make the bulk changes. Note: Any change signified in the dropdown edit box will change that field for ALL STUDENTS that you're working on. Then click Next.
The changes to be made will appear in orange on the next screen. By clicking Next again you will see the pending changes before saving. If this looks correct, click Save.
As always, please lean on your Portfolio Manager and the NAF Support team if you run into issues with this new process or notice any discrepancies. This is a huge step towards a much easier and streamlined version of NAFTrack!